Joseph Liberty, MFA ’11


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Name: Joseph Liberty

Graduation: 2011

Program: MFA

The rope project was created in my first semester at MassArt for the Design as Experience class where I was given the task of creating an experience. For this project, we had to set aside 15 minutes a day for 14 days to document our process of constructing and deconstructing of the rope.


Time and thinking became the biggest factor for me in this project. On previous projects, I had given myself smaller amounts of time to completion. Since I was still in that frame of mind, 15 minutes a day for 14 days felt way too long for me. Trying to stay within the rules of the project I decided to go with what was happening at that moment. By condensing time this process had to seen as one continuous motion. Not in a 14 day time period.

By starting to play with the rope in different positions started to loosen my creative juices. Throughout this process, I continued documenting with my camera. The rope became pliable and easy to manipulate. As I looked closer small little stands started to fall apart the more I played with it. This inspired me to start tearing the rope apart string by string. Trying to make something new by the deconstructing the fabric of the rope was a breakthrough for me and my process.


This was tough for me and it took a lot of thinking before acting on the doing phase of the project. I was pleased with the end product particularly given that I viewed the project as an experiment, a means for me to explore the medium and the love affair of documenting my process began.

Keywords: experimentation, form, human interaction, natural metaphor, object, play, space