Tania Ostorga, MFA ’11


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Name: Tania Ostorga

Graduation: 2011

Program: MFA

Create a game where users can have an important participatory roll by solving problems through
the eyes of the movie characters.

The Game
Provides the tools and rules of the game. All the players are expected to use their imagination in
order to create tasks. Everybody will have an important roll in the game.

Decision making – Who you can trust and who you can’t or shouldn’t.
Gathering information (hunting and gathering) – Collecting clues.
Finding an answer to questions – It is about asking the right questions.
Becoming someone else in order to find one self – How to behave at a specific time
and place.
Relying on a system – Believing in the collected information. What is true and what isn’t.

Keywords: Location, experience, gaming, interface, mapping, memory, social networking, system