Transformation: Connectivity Through the Digital Atmosphere

Elif Ozudogru, MFA ’04

thesis abstract

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Name: Elif Ozudogru, MFA ’04

Thesis cover

New technologies should not overwhelm us. They should open up new levels of comfort without compensating the intuitive essence of life. Activities within the digital world should mirror seamless qualities of the activities in nature. Appropriate metaphors need to be imbued within a system of interactions to occur fluidly.

More than thousand years ago, it was common belief among humans that objects had spirits and could be interacted with through empty space. Today, I believe, digital technology allows us to reclaim this spiritual practice and creates a new form of magic.

My aim is to create systems that will transform routine actions into memorable, performative experiences. Such systems need to be designed to bring the ”background” — the usually unnoticed things of everyday life, into the foreground with an accentuation on value directed toward human presence.