Alex Wang, MFA ’11


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Name: Alex Wang

Graduation: 2011

Program: MFA

LightOn is a project to explore new form of interpersonal communication over distance through lamps and light. The concept prototype is a pair of network-connected lamps and triggers located in different places. When one person turns the light on, the lamp in another side will also light on. Light is employed to create the illusion that people, separated by distance, are connected. It provides a subtle and peripheral way of communication for people in different places.

The initial idea of LightOn project came form a scene in my memory. My family always leaves a light on for family members who come home late to make him/her feel that someone is at home waiting for him. Therefore, I am thinking to represent this warm message through objects and new media and for people living apart.

LightOn: Concept Video

LightOn: Prototype Video