Sam Montague, MFA ’03
thesis abstract
We rely on our senses to gather data on the external environment around us. Our nervous system continually processes this data to create a perceptual “picture” of the world outside ourselves. In the course of our tool making evolution, we havedeveloped technologies that not only extend our physical abilities but also extend the range of our natural senses. Through the microscope we see an infinitely small world. Watching the television we see live pictures of any corner of the globe.
The purpose of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of the visual language and technology used to delineate and understand motion. It is an exploration, through research and personal investigations, of the design language that we use to represent motion. This study is useful in helping the designer identify and understand the parametric range of possibilities for captured motion representation and communication. The result is a primer of the universal elements that a designer can manipulate in order to generate a clear visual explanation of objects in motion.