Yaoming Hao, MFA ’11


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Name: Yaoming Hao

Graduation: 2011

Program: MFA

The project is required to create serious of visual responses to a bundle of rope. Students are limited to interact with this rope in fifteen minutes every day. And next day I have to destroy or return this rope to original statue, then recreate it. So this process is quite a challenge that I must do it over and over again, and it made this process more interesting.

First step always seems hard. My first day of interacting with this rope is totally nothing. I bent it or watch it from far away. The second day was easier. I made something similar to amulet using the rope. Other days I created face expression, interacted it with light and other stuffs. I enjoyed the process of interacting with this rope.

After making something fun by rope, I started to think about the deep meaning of the rope. I asked some friends and checked the Wikipedia about the meaning of the rope. I found that in general way the rope means deathful thing. So I began to use the rope to create something dangerous. I tried not to destroy materials of the rope, because I need to recreate something with this rope. In the presentation day, I mixed the whole projects into a video and added a dramatic music to represent the transformation of my thought, from creating fun to creating danger.

But now, when I wrote this project description, I think maybe I can interact with it in more broad way. I can still recreate something with its ash even destroy it totally.

Keywords: Rope, danger, experience, hand-making, recreation, visual response