Yaoming Hao, MFA ’11


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Name: Yaoming Hao

Graduation: 2011

Program: MFA

The project aims to using the items showed in the Memento movie to analyze the story
to the user. The items are classified into seven different categories based on the
different scenes. The users are allowed to check each items, the tool will build the
connection between two connected items and related characters. The user can follow
the hints or they can explore each scene by themselves.
The structure of Memento movie is quite complicated and delicate. There are so many
information come into my mind when I first saw this movie, so I want to focus on
specific points such as photos and items in the movie. Each item has its own
background and stories. The users can get information they want through the items.
In this application, connections between items will show the users the information and
the story of related characters or events. At the same time, the original sound from the
movie will also be triggered. When users finish exploring the whole scenes, the
connected lines will also build the data map of the entire movie.
The idea of this came from my other project of Design as Experience class, which is
about the items. I want to create an experience for the user, which is just like the
protagonist in the movie. The protagonist will lose memory every 15 minutes, so in this
project, the users can only see the items inside the flashlight. When users move the
flashlight, they can check more items but also lose the previous vision. My project aims
to create an experience which allows users explore the Memento movie interactively. So
the user can explore the story and the environment, creating their own unique
experience of Memento.

Keywords: Memento, data visualization, experience, interactive tools, interface, mapping, narrative